Viewing File: db_blue_1-0-2.wpi

db_blue_1-0-2.wpi/pub/multimedia/themes/ithapplication/octet-stream  864.32 KB2020-12-27 00:00:00
DB Blue 1.0.2 theme (2008-01-14)

Long Description:
This theme is an attempt at recreating the look of the MacOS Drawingboard theme on eComStation. However, this theme deviates from the original theme in that the folder icons are done in a light blue color instead of a brownish color. The theme was created by Apple Japan and uses intersecting, fading lines to create the look of engineering pencil sketches. It was part of the MacOS 8.5 beta release that included theming support. Apple then decided to drop theme support from MacOS 8.5 completely and the theme never got officially released. PLEASE UNINSTALL PREVIOUS VERSION OF DRAWINGBOARD_BLUE THEME BEFORE INSTALLING THIS VERSION. THE INSTALLATION HAS BEEN MODIFIED, THE WARPIN DATABASE ENTRIES CHANGED, AND SOME FILES RENAMED. THIS IS A FIXED VERSION. THIS VERSION CONTAINS THE BACKGROUND BITMAPS THAT WERE MISSING IN VERSION 1.1.

Program Contact:
David Graser
Program E-mail:

Upload Date:
2020-12-27 00:00:00
Archive Date:
2021-02-08 11:13:49

Program Source:

Runs on:
eComStation 1.1 or later

iTheme 2.0 installed
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