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NameLocationTypeDate  94.19 KB2023-09-20 00:00:00
StartDOS (1995-10-10)

Long Description:
StartDos is an OS/2 program to start virtual DOS mode (VDM) sessions under OS/2. The nature of DOS sessions under OS/2 is controlled by DOS settings strings. StartDos accepts these strings via a REXX command file then starts a DOS session using those settings. There are some examples of DOS setting strings for StartDos and OS/2. StartDos uses REXX as a string-delivery mechanism. You will create REXX command files especially for StartDos. These REXX command files use StartDos functions to set up the DOS settings. StartDos comes with a separate utility program, SETTINGS.EXE, to help you create REXX scripts for StartDos. StartDos is normally used in text mode. A version for OS/2 Presentation Manager exists and may prove useful for some applications. Freeware. (

Program Contact:
Monte Copeland

Upload Date:
2023-09-20 00:00:00
Archive Date:
2023-09-21 05:26:43

Runs on:
OS/2 Warp 4 or later

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