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NameLocationTypeDate  800.32 KB2023-11-02 00:00:00
InfoWorld OS/2 Invalidation Vote Forum (1997-06-20)

Long Description:
Infoworld forum on invalidation of OS/2 win. In 1997 (the vote for 1996 products), OS/2 won by an overwhelming margin. Editor In Chief, Sandy Reed, chose to invalidate the poll and explained her reasoning in this editorial. InfoWorld then activated a discussion forum on their web site to discuss this. I do not have an archive of that particular forum so you'll have to trust my memory on this next comment. Ms. Reed told us that she invalidated the poll because the results did not correspond to market share (please remember this when seeing the results of her new poll). While I agree Ms. Reed had good reason to suspect the poll, I do not believe she had reason to invalidate it. Rather than investigate the matter for "stuffing" by looking at who voted and how often they voted, she simply considered it invalid. She then refused to release the results to back up her claims. (

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