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SearchFrom /pub/os2/system/patches/warp_4
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Directory: /pub/os2/system/patches/warp_4

NameDescriptionTypeUpload Date
../(to /pub/os2/system/patches)
diskfp.zipREXX command file to apply Warp 4 fixpack from hard disk [Detailapplication/zip 8.16 KB1997/03/10
hpfsfp10.zipdirfix.cmd, HPFS.IFS, and UHPFS.DLL from FP10 [Detailapplication/zip 128.07 KB1999/09/21
jr09427.zipReplacement UHPFS.DLL that fixes a Warp 4 HPFS problem [Detailapplication/zip 97.84 KB1997/01/26
mmfix11.zipEnable selective deregistration and reregistration of WPS multimedia classes [Detailapplication/zip 7.52 KB1997/09/16
PatchLdr_2003-06-26.zipPatchLdr (2003-06-26) [Detailapplication/zip 34.92 KB2022/06/14
penpm_patch.zipPatch Pen for OS/2 to work with Netscape v4.04 [Detailapplication/zip 1.72 KB1999/01/23
pmr00052.zipUNOFFICIAL PMMerge.dll fix from IBM [Detailapplication/zip 1.03 MB1999/12/14
primgfix.zipAllows setting normal image viewer associations in Warp 4 [Detailapplication/zip 47.48 KB1999/02/08
v4penos2.zipPatch to Pen_for_OS/2 Warp 4.0 ONLY [Detailapplication/zip 2.32 MB1996/12/13
W4_OS2KRNL_Patch_1996-09-28.zipOS2KRNL Warp 4 Patch (FCB functions) (1996-09-28) [Detailapplication/zip 26.92 KB2023/11/18